With a story and experience that goes back to 1983, NHC is heading for future loading solutions. With our own unique product and our own newly created brand. Sustainable, costumizable and very user-friendly is the keywords.
Axt – Smart Loading Solutions, put that in mind.
Durable, custom made and user friendly constructions saving time and creating a more sustainable working environment for our clients. That’s why we created AXT: To bring smart loading solutions on the road for tomorrow’s transports.
“Our solutions saves time – which translates into money for our costumers, but foremost they will create a more sustainable and smooth workingday for the user.”
Sam Englund, Site Manager NHC Sweden – Umeå.
A brand new brand
Unique in the history of NHC, is to release and brand an own product. Axt – Smart Loading Solutions will act as their own, but still be backed, operated and owned by the NHC Group. With Axt, NHC can more focused offer what we see as tomorrows solutions for all professionals drivers with a truck. The long aim is to do business all over the world.
“Once you’ve tried and droven with an Axt solution, you wouldn’t wan’t to go back to anything else.”
Axt promises material and craftmanship in premium quality, higher loading capacity and maybe foremost – doors that opens completely in around 45 seconds.
“Lastbilar med gardinsida kan ta upp till 30 minuter att öppna och stänga, har man flera lastningar och lossningar på en dag så drar det iväg rejält med tid. Detta problemet eliminerar man helt och hållet med våra dörrar, även vid ojämnt underlag.”“Trailers with curtain sides can take up to 30 minutes to open and close, so imagine if you have many stops with loading and unloading in one day, it can take quite some time all together. With our solution, this problem is completely eliminated, even when the ground is uneven.”
Sam Englund, Site Manager NHC Sweden – Umeå.
For more about Axt – www.axt-solutions.com